& Experiment News
cosmic rays may soon stymie quantum computing
Building quantum computers underground or designing radiation-proof qubits may be needed, researchers find.
Key Publications
B. Monreal and J. A. Formaggio, “Relativistic Cyclotron Radiation Detection of Tritium Decay Electrons as a New Technique for Measuring Neutrino Mass”, Phys. Rev. D80, 051301 (2009)
M. Aker et al [KATRIN Collaboration], “Improved Upper Limit on the Neutrino Mass from a Direct Kinematic Method by KATRIN”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 22, 221802 (2019).
J. A. Formaggio and S. Zeller, “From eV to EeV: Neutrino cross sections across energy scales”, Rev. Mod. Phys. 84, 1307 (2012).
B. Aharmim et al. [SNO Collaboration] “Measurement of the νe and total 8B solar neutrino fluxes with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory phase-III data set”, Phys. Rev. C 87, 015502 (2013).
Antti Vepsäläinen et al. “Impact of ionizing radiation on superconducting qubit coherence”, Nature 584 (2020) 7822, 551- 556.
Experiment News
“Tritium Beta Spectrum and Neutrino Mass Limit from Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy” paper on the arXiv. This is a major paper about our latest results from Phase II of our experiment. It’s here in publications.
“Viterbi Decoding of CRES signals in Project 8” paper on the arXiv. This paper is about a novel application of the Viterbi algorithm to cyclotron radiation signals. Look out for it too be published soon, and find the pre-print in Publications. -March 25, 2022
“The Project 8 Experiment” Snowmass White Paper on the arXiv. Look at this white paper if you want to know about the status of the experiment and our outlook for the future. A part of the Snowmass process. Find it in Publications. -March 14, 2022
Congratulations, Dr. Luis Saldaña! Luis defended his thesis and received his PhD from Yale University. Thesis link in Publications. -August 6, 2021
Congratulations, Dr. Nick Buzinsky! Nick defended his thesis and received his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Thesis link in Publications. -July 21, 2021
Bayesian Sensitivity paper published. This paper explores Bayesian techniques to determine how far down in mass values a future neutrino mass experiment could reach. Check it out here: Publications. -June 2021
KATRIN releases the first sub-eV neutrino mass limit. Congrats to the KATRIN neutrino mass experiment, who have released the first ever neutrino mass limit below 1 eV/c^2. Look at their results here.
Signal Classification with Machine Learning paper published. In this paper, we describe our machine learning algorithm for analyzing our experiment signals, as well as relevant results. Find it in Publications. -March 2020
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory for Nuclear Science
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 26-505
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Joseph Formaggio
Professor of Physics
Division Head Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics
Assistant: Anna Maria Convertino

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© 2024 Joseph Formaggio, Formaggio Neutrino Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology